The main goal of the Atlantic Rainforest Institution (ARFI) is to preserve and reforest the truly endangered and species-rich Atlantic Rainforest in the South of the State Bahia in Brazil. An incredible 93% of it’s original size is cut down today. UNSECO lists the area where ARFI is active among the 5 remaining biodiversity hotspots of the planet. Biologist counted 456 different tree species in only one hectare of land, this is a biodiverstity world record among trees!
All intact rainforest sponsored by you is later transferred into a Reserva Particular de Patrimonio National „RPPN“ - a natural reserve that guarantees governmental protection for eternity! ARFI already saved more then 100’000m2 of pure and intact Rainforest around the Rio de Contas Rivermouth and supported many local social, ambiental and cultural projects.

With following 3 projects you support different projects in and around Itacaré, Bahia. One has the focus on Ambiental work, the other supports a Cultural project and the third contributes to a Social cause.

ARFI charges 42.– CHF per ton C02. All average values!